Expand Your Consciousness & Experience Divine LoveStarting February 14: Online class (with 5 live sessions) with Sufi teacher Fawzia Al-Rawi & A. Helwa (award winning author of the international book bestseller Secrets of Divine Love). We are happy to give-out a discount code worth $150 as a gift. Couponcode: SHABANBLESSINGProgramm 2024/25 mit Fawzia Al RawiDas Leben ist eine Schule der Liebe, in der wir alle unterrichtet werden.Rahmentrommelabende für Frauenmit Sabine Johanna. 5 Abende im Jänner & Februar 2025.Verein SAFA: Neue Bankverbindung!Wir bitten darum, die neue Bankverbindung des Verein SAFA zu beachten. Siehe Kontakt (hier klicken)Deepening Healing Music SessionWe are inviting you to take part in Healing Music Sessions, to go deeper into a subject. These sessions are group sessions where you are invited to lie down, and relax with the music during 40-45mn. The musicians from “Music of the Soul” will open a space for the healing to take place, using healing maqams and Divine Names given by Fawzia Al-Rawi. Click to read more...Sama` - gemeinsame Drehtanznächte 2025immer am Samstag in der letzen Woche des Monats